Friday, June 24, 2005

Shhhh... This is a secret boo boo. Okay, so it isn't a secret, but it is one that no one knows about (yet). When it happened last night, I didn't complain too much. Just for a few seconds. And there was only one witness. With whom, of course, I discussed the offending boo boo with for those few seconds.
As I mentioned in my last blog entry my band Revolution Pie had a gig last night. We were playing at a little park in the center of Chagrin Falls. A pleasant little burg on the east side of Cleveland.
While setting up my equipment, I was walking across a grassy area when my right foot found a rather large hole, hidden by the freshly shorn and evenly leveled grass. This camouflaged crater was about 8 inches deep and was about 8 inches across. Yet grass was growing up in it from the sides which helped to hide it.
Of course, my foot went to the bottom and my ankle twisted. Ouch!
I was carrying something heavy, which didn't help.
So today, the day after the incident, my Boo Boo De Jour is a slightly sore ankle. Just a twinge of a sprain I am sure. But still, certainly a qualifying event.
Big weekend coming up... I am sure I will have more than a few things to write about on Monday. Thanks for visiting!


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