Thursday, January 03, 2008

So it has been a while and of course quite a few boo boos have come and gone since my last entry. But I do have a couple of them right now, and I actually had a REQUEST to post... so here goes.

First of all... a week ago I was building a fire in our fireplace at home when a rather large ember came shooting at me. Unfortunately, I never saw this particular ember as it landed on my wrist. Of course, I few milliseconds later I was able to FEEL this particular ember as it branded a 1 centimeter hole into my skin. Shortly after this, a rather large blister appeared in this particular spot. Not surprising. Not all that long after this, the blister burst and the pain was pretty remarkable. This boo boo is still hanging around and will probably will leave a small scar. Ouch!

Secondly... this is not the first time I have written about my right foot or ankle. Today it feels as if I have pulled muscles on the top of my foot. It won't allow me to easily bend my toes in either direction. This makes it hard to walk. Painful to walk. I have taken a handful of ibuprofen and it seems to be relaxing a bit. This is probably a continuation of the problems I have been having down there. At some point I am going to have to get that under more control.

So there you go. This is where I am hurting today... January 3, 2008.

Peace Out.

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At 7:59 AM, Blogger michelle said...

Hi Paul...How the heck are you...Michelle Forst


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